Graduate Teaching

Spring 2013 – 2023
Development Economics

This graduate-level course in development economics presents frontier research topics in the field of development economics. In the first weeks we study individual decision making and market failures as potential barriers to the process of economic development. In the second part of the course we study the role of institutions and political factors as determinants of underdevelopment.

Other teaching

2020 – 2021
Empirical Methods for Public Policy Evaluation, CEMFI Summer School

This course provides a practical introduction to the main tools used for policy evaluation. We focus on experimental and quasi-experimental methodologies to uncover the causal effect of policies. The target audience for the course are policy practitioners and researchers.

2010 – 2012
Economic Development, Master in International Economics,  Johns Hopkins, SAIS

2011 – 2012
Advanced Econometrics, Master in International Economics, Johns Hopkins, SAIS

Microeconomics, Undergraduate Course, Massachusetts Institute of Technology